What is LPI DAO?
Early-Stage backer
LPI DAO is a decentralized seed and private sale aggregation platform that specializes in market trending projects to provide support and backing to upcoming projects through the LPI investment platform. LPI provides upcoming projects with backing through our in-house marketing and development teams. The projects our platform invests in are supported by providing them with funding, marketing, community building, advisory, and industry connections.
Seed Aggregation Platform
LPI is a gateway early stage investment which attracts large numbers of investors to our platform who are eager to procure early-stage investments. Our large number of investors brings high volumes of capital to ensure projects are adequately funded. Projects selected for investment on the LPI platform are thoroughly vetted and provide investor confidence the LPI investment fund invests alongside the platform investors.
Informed Project Selection
The LPI team understands the difficulties and challenges faced by upcoming projects in their quest to bring their projects to market and attain roadmap completion. Through our team's expertise, we eliminate the pain points encountered by new projects. Community engagement at LPI is greatly emphasized for investors to understand the concepts and ideas of the projects they are backing. LPI looks for projects that offer innovative blockchain solutions, and justifiably add value to the crypto industry.